Friday 27 November 2015

Our wedding day, part 2

If you read the last post you would have seen my brief (but not really brief at all) recap of the morning of our wedding and the ceremony. Here I'l share some of the gems from our reception! These pictures really show the life and the happiness we shared that day, rather than all the special, pretty details. I love those details too (and you can see lots of them over at Rock and Roll Bride!) but most importantly a wedding should be about love, about family and friends. SO i've gone for those special moments here. The ones that pull right at my heart strings and make me wish that day could have lasted way longer!

Some of these shots really do make me think how brilliant the human face is! Our expression says so much and is so priceless. I'm guilty of thinking up facebook esque captions up for photos when I look at them and this first one is 'quick get Elin out of the way, she's stealing focus!' And as for my face in the second its a real 'nahhhhhhh' face, I'm looking pretty skeptical about something!

Obviously the boys group shot was on space hoppers. I mean, how else would we have wanted them?

The wedding day passed in such a blur that there was so much we missed. Looking back at images of our friends and family having fun is a brilliant feeling. We didn't know if a lot of ideas would be lost on people but seeing shots like this shows that actually all our hard work paid off! These two captures truly sum up the reception perfectly. Also, this chap was actually a wedding crasher- of the best kind! One of James' oldest friends, we kept encouraging him to invite the guy but James felt he'd never have the time or be that bothered to come. (admittedly he is in a band touring but still!) He then rocked up as a surprise for James as someone else's plus one! How brilliant is that? If it were any other day I'd say it made James day, but hopefully his bride did that anyway!

The speeches, the bench and dancing! The first image? Possibly the best most accurate depiction of the best mans speech! I daren't share all but James face speaks volumes and it was a brilliant moment caught in this wonderful shot. Something we did that I would definitely recommend was this little bench. We set it far back from the festivities so that we could take a minute by ourselves to actually take it all in. The day passes in a blur so to sit and actually look at it, see what we had created and spend some down time together with our Elin was really lovely and important for us too. And then we re-joined and danced for hours and hours. It was brilliant. That last picture I vividly remember being offered another drink to which I say Yes (obviously). James responds that I already have one and I very enthusiastically point out 'well, I've got TWO hands!'. At least I make myself laugh!

I'l leave it here with our Wedding day face in a hole! Just a bit of fun but I love this and also love all the pictures of our friends making use of it too. Reading this post before publishing really makes me reminisce on the day- I'd love to do it all again! Still to share are my absolute favourite portrait shots that were taken at the Cobb in Lyme Regis. They have a very different feel but I think they are beautiful! I may as well make the most of all this content so they will be on the next post! It gives me an excuse to keep crushing on my own wedding a bit longer. Sorry, I'm shameless, but its the only time I'm aloud!

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